Omamori souvenirs 13 meanings


Do you know about the Omamori that can be given at shrines and temples in Japan? Omamori are lucky charms widely believed in Japan to bring blessings from gods and Buddha.

There are various types of Omamori, such as traffic safety and family safety, and you can choose one according to the wish you want to make come true. Each shrine and temple has various types of them, and we recommend you to take a look at them while sightseeing or visiting the shrine or temple.

I feel as if God or Buddha are watching me over by looking at them, and it gives me peace of mind. When I was a junior high school student, I had the experience of making my own handmade Omamori to pray for victory before a game. Thanks to that , I was able to inspire myself to win. In this way, Omamori can be a source of emotional support.

In this article, we will introduce 13 amulets and their meanings.


What are “Omamori” souvenirs?<お守りとは?>

For good luck<幸運を祈るもの>

An amulet is an item of good luck that has been used in Japan for centuries. There are many different types of amulets to choose from to suit your wishes. They also come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, some of which are unique.

The amulets I have received vary in shape from charms, arrows, those with four-leaf clovers, cards, and stickers. Many are small enough to carry easily, and it is believed that wearing them at all times will bring blessings from the gods. If you interested, you can receive them at many shrines and temples in Japan.

People can get them at both shrines and temples for a better life. Seeing amulets gives me peace of mind, so when I gave birth, I brought one to the hospital to pray for a safe delivery. In this way, Omamoris give people a sense of relief.


Amulet Expiration<お守りの期限>

The expiration date of amulets is generally considered to be one year in Japan. In particular, many people consider amulets for traffic safety and family safety to be one year, since there is no obvious wish for them. However, if there is a definite wish, some amulets expire until that wish is fulfilled.

I try to receive a new amulet and return the old one every New Year when I go to Hatsumode. Shrines often have a place to return the amulet. Also, many shrines have a place to return old amulets and charms during the Hatsumode season, and many people return them.

However, there are some types of amulets that are better to hold on to until your wish comes true, so it is best to ask when you receive them. If you find it difficult to return the amulet after one year, we recommend that you look for a shrine or temple that can accommodate mailings.


How to handle Omamori<お守りの取り扱い方>

In Japan, it is believed that gods reside in amulets. Therefore, it is important to handle amulets with care.

Portable Omamori, such as charm-type, are effective if you attach them to a place where you can carry them with you at all times. So I attache mine to my work bag.Also, You should not open them. Because it is believed that if you open them, its effect will diminish.

The most important thing is to remember to be grateful. Furthermore, it is important not only to ask God or Buddha to grant your wish, but also to be thankful for the fact that they are watching over you on a daily basis.


Omamori fight?<お守りが喧嘩する?>

I have heard that if you have more than one amulet, the gods will fight with each other. On the other hand, I have also heard that God has a big heart and does not fight, so I do not know if this is true or not. However, I believe that God does not fight, and I carry several amulets with me.


Difference between Shrine and Temple Amulets<神社とお寺のお守りの違い>

You may receive amulets from both shrines and temples. You will receive the blessings of God from the amulet at the shrine. From amulets at temples, you receive the blessings of the Buddha.

These ideas come from Japanese Shintoism and Buddhism. It is common to receive an amulet when you visit a shrine or temple. Different shrines and temples offer different types of amulets. There are also various meanings and many types of amulets, so I will introduce them to you.


13 meanings of “Omamori”!<お守りの意味13選>

Prayer for success<合格祈願>

The 1st meaning of Omamori we would like to introduce is a prayer for success. It reads “Gokaku Kigan” and we recommend them for people who wish to pass something like examinations.

I bought an Omamori the year I was preparing for high school and college entrance exams. I even carried it in my bag to the actual exam site. I was very nervous, but the Omamori calmed me down.

When you are feeling nervous or anxious, it is comforting to have a peace of mind. If you are preparing for a certification exam or a college entrance exam, why not look for one?

私たちが紹介するお守りの意味1つ目は、合格祈願です。読み方は”Gokaku Kigan”で、何かの試験に受かりたいという願いを持つ人におすすめです。私も高校や大学の受験を控えていた年は、お守りを買いました。私はお守りを実際の試験会場にもカバンにつけて持っていきました。私はとても緊張していましたが、お守りが心を落ち着かせてくれましたよ。緊張や不安な気持ちを抱えているときは、心の拠り所があると安心しますよね。もしあなたが資格試験や、大学入試を控えている場合は、ぜひ探してみてはいかがでしょうか?

Love Fulfillment<恋愛成就>

The 2nd meaning of Omamori is the fulfillment of love. It reads as “Renai zyozyu” or “Enmusubi” and we recommend them for people who wish to have a relationship with someone they like or who are looking for a good relationship.

When I was a student, I always had someone I liked, so I often went to visit shrines and always carried a love charm with me. I am a shy person, so even when I could not find the courage to confess my feelings to someone, I remember clutching the amulet and confessing my feelings to him.

If you want to have a good relationship with the person you love, why not look for a love charm?

お守りの意味2つ目は、恋愛成就です。読み方は”Renai zyozyu”や”Enmusubi”などで、好きな人と付き合いたい願う人や、いい出会いを求めている人におすすめです。私も学生時代は常に好きな人がいたので、よく神社にお参りに行き、恋のお守りを常に持ち歩いていました。私はシャイなので、告白する勇気が中々出なかった時も、お守りを握りしめて告白した思い出があります。もしあなたが好きな人といい関係を築きたい場合は、恋愛成就守りを探してみてはいかがでしょうか?


The love charm will surely give you courage !


The 3rd meaning is happiness. It reads “Kohuku” and is recommended for those who wish for happiness.

Kohuku amulets are sold at many shrines and temples. Many people wish for happiness, and since it is common to a wide range of wishes, it is a good idea to give it as a gift to someone you care about.

Of course, if you wish for happiness, you can also receive one yourself; there is even a happiness amulet that is said to grant one wish, and I have kept it with me until my wish came true.


Family Safety<家内安全>

The 4th meaning is family safety. It reads “Kanai Anzen” and means family safety and we recommend them if you wish for the happiness of your family.

Many people receive Kanai Anzen Omamori in the hope that their family will be free from illness and disasters such as fire during the year. I also receive this amulet during my annual New Year’s visit to the shrine to wish for the peaceful happiness of my family.

Many Japanese homes have what is called a Kamidana, a Shinto altar where God is enshrined. We stand the Omifuda on the Kamidana and express our gratitude on a daily basis. We cannot carry the Omifuda around with us, but like amulets, they receive blessings from the gods.

お守りの意味4つ目は、家内安全です。読み方は”Kanai Anzen”で、あなたが家族の幸せを願う場合におすすめです。家内安全のお守りは、家族が1年間病気をせず、火事などの災害にも遭わないように願って授かる人が多いです。私も毎年初詣の時に、家族の平和な幸せを願って家内安全のお札を授かります。日本の多くの家には、神様を祀る神棚と呼ばれるものがあります。神棚にお札を立て、日常的に感謝の気持ちを伝えるのです。お札はお神札と呼ばれるもので、お守りのように持ち歩くことはできませんが、お守りと同じように神様のご加護をいただくものです。

Protect against misfortune<厄除け>

The 5th meaning is to protect against misfortune. It reads “Yakuyoke” and we recommend them if you feel that you want to avoid a calamity.

In Japan, there is a concept of Yakudoshi, or “bad luck years,” and men and women experience it several times in their lives. A bad year is a year to be careful of disasters and physical conditions, and many people go to a shrine or temple to exorcise and receive a Yakuyoke amulet during a bad year.

However, They are not only for people in a bad year, but also for those who are concerned about avoiding calamities or health problems. If you concern about calamities or health problems, you may want to check them out.


Protect Children<子供守>

The 6th meaning is to protect children.  It reads “Kodomo Mamori”, which means that you wish your child to grow up healthy and happy. My child wears it on his backpack.

In Japan, there is a “Shichi-Go-San” culture which girls and boys visit a shrine to pray to a guardian deity at the age of three and seven, and at the age of five, respectively. Shichi-Go-San is also a custom to wish for the healthy growth of the child, and many people receive a child protection charm at the time. It symbolizes the importance they place on their children.

お守りの意味6つ目は、子供守です。読み方は”Kodomo Mamori”で、あなたの子供が健やかに成長することを願うものです。私の子供も、それをリュックに付けています。日本では”七五三”という文化があり、女子は3歳と7歳、男子は5歳に氏神様へお参りするのが一般的です。七五三も子供の健やかな成長を願うしきたりで、七五三の時に子供守りを授かる人も多いです。子供を大切に思う気持ちを象徴するものです。

Good Health<健康>

The 7th meaning is the wish for good health. This reading is “Kenko”. We all want to live a healthy life, don’t we? When you see a health amulet, it will remind you to take care of your health. Therefore a portable one will surely help you improve your awareness.

When we are healthy, we tend to forget to be thankful for being healthy. However, it is very important to remember to be thankful for being healthy and to be aware of your health on a daily basis. By looking at Omamoris, you will notice how grateful you are for your health.


Healing illness<病気平癒>

The 8th meaning we would like to introduce is healing of illness. It reads “Byoki Heiyu,” and is often given to people who have suffered some kind of illness or injury in the hope that they will be cured.

When we are sick, we tend to feel weak. At such times, Omamori can be a source of comfort. It is also sometimes given as a gift to a loved one who has become ill, in the hope that he or she will be cured.

When my grandfather was ill, I once received an Omamori at a temple for healing his illness. My grandfather was very happy.

お守りの意味8つ目は、病気平癒です。読み方は”Byoki Heiyu”で、何かの病気や怪我をしてしまった人が、治ることを願って授かることが多いです。病気の時は気が弱くなってしまいがちですよね。そんな時にお守りは心の拠り所になります。また、大切な人が病気になってしまった場合に治ってほしいと願い、プレゼントすることもあります。私も祖父が病気を患った際は、お寺で病気平癒のお守りを授かったことがあります。祖父はとても喜んでくれました。

Traffic safety<交通安全>

The 9th meaning is traffic safety. It reads “Kotsu Anzen” and means to avoid accidents.

Many people keep one in their car, and I myself receive a new one every year. Some traffic safety Omamori can affix to cars, making it easy to choose the right one for the right purpose. Every time I see them, I am inspired to make an effort for traffic safety, which I appreciate very much. When I was a child, I used to wear this amulet on my schoolbag.

お守りの意味9つ目は、交通安全です。読み方は”Kotsu Anzen”で、不慮の事故に遭わないよう願って授かることが多いです。車の中に1つ入れておく人も多く、私自身も毎年新しいお守りを授かることにしています。交通安全のお守りは、車に貼ることができるタイプなどもあり、用途に合わせて選びやすいです。お守りを見るたびに交通安全に努めようという気持ちになるので、とても感謝しています。私が子供の頃は、通学カバンにこのお守りを付けていましたよ。


The 10th meaning is reads “Syusse Kigan”and means a good luck charm for those who want to get promoted at work.

If you are a company employee, promotion is important to improve your quality of life. The Omamori of success is a form of such a person’s wish to get ahead in life.

There are shrines and other places that are strong for success in life, and many people receive their Succession Charms there. If you are trying to get ahead in life, it is a good idea to find out more about them.

私たちが紹介するお守りの意味10番目は、出世です。読み方は”Syusse Kigan”で、仕事で昇進を目指したい人におすすめのお守りです。会社員で働いている場合、出世は生活の質を向上させるためにも大切ですよね。そのような出世したいという人の願いを形にしたものが、出世のお守りなのです。出世に強い神社などもあり、そこで出世守りを授かる人も多くいます。もしあなたが出世を目指している場合は、詳しく調べてみるといいでしょう。

Safe delivery<安産>

The 11th meaning is to pray for a safe delivery. It reads “Anzan”, which means that pregnant women wish for a safe delivery. It is sometimes given as a gift, and I actually received it from a friend during my pregnancy.

During pregnancy, there are many minor troubles and there are many concerns. In my case, I often became mentally unstable during my pregnancy, and when I looked at it at such times, I felt like I had a protectection and felt safe. In this way, when you are feeling anxious about something, you can entrust your desire to relieve that anxiety to the Omamori.



It is common for people to return the Omamori for safe delivery once the child is safely born.

Be blessed with Children<子授け>

The 12th meaning is bless with children. It reads “Kosazuke” which means blessed of children. It is an Omamori if you wish to have a child. Even if you want to have a child, you feel anxious when you can’t have a child. This is given to women in hopes of having a child in their womb.


Pet protection<ペット守>

The 13th meaning is pet protection. It reads “Pet Mamori,” and it means praying for the health and happiness of your pet. You want your beloved pet to stay healthy forever.

However,  compared to Omamori for traffic safety or family safety, there are fewer places that sell them. So if you are looking for it, we recommend you to research in advance.

お守りの意味13番目は、ペットお守りです。読み方は”Pet Mamori”で、ペットの健康や幸せを願うものです。愛しいペットにはずっと健康でいてほしいと願いますよね。しかしながら交通安全や家内安全などのお守りと比べると取り扱っている場所が少ないです。ですのでもしあなたがペットお守りを探している場合は、事前に調べてみることがおすすめですよ。

We also recommend this article✨


  • Prayer for success<合格祈願>
  • Love Fulfillment<恋愛成就>
  • Happiness<幸福守り>
  • Family Safety<家内安全>
  • Protect against misfortune<厄除け>
  • To protect children<子供守>
  • Good health<健康>
  • Healing of illness<病気平癒>
  • Traffic safety<交通安全>
  • Promotion<出世>
  • Safe delivery<安産>
  • Bless with children<子授け>
  • Pet protection<ペット守>

In this article we have presented 13 meanings of amulets. Omamoris are gratifying objects that give form to people’s wishes and serve as a source of emotional support. It is fun to choose a beautiful amulet to match your wish. You can find a variety of beautiful amulets in Japanese shrines and temples. The important thing in receiving an amulet is to be grateful and handle it with care. I hope your wish will come true. Thank you for reading to the end.



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